
Check Business Detail of Gravixar with contact information, address, google map of their location, business city and phone number of Gravixar. You can find business terms and products of Gravixar including fax number, contact number, email address and website. You can also check more Computers & It business types like Gravixar in Abbottabad.

Name Gravixar
City Abbottabad
Type Computers & It
Email [email protected]
Phone # 03365676672
Contact Person Qamar Abbas
Address Mandian
Description At Gravixar, we envision, create and embody the future for our clients and truly bring your ‘Dreams At Play’. Since our birth in early 2013, we have been providing unparalleled service to an exceptionally diverse, domestic and international clientele. Our collective vision as team is to strive for customer satisfaction while providing unprecedented service so that the future is in ‘your’ grasp. We believe that efficient and smooth workflow can only be achieved through open communication channels and complete transfer of information. Therefore, at Gravixar we have eliminated all workplace bureaucracies while fortifying our team with necessary tools and applications to take work on the go.

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