Arc Suppression Coil With Tuni

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Name Arc Suppression Coil With Tuni
City China
Type Electronics & Electrical Products
Email [email protected]
Phone # +86-312-3118989-805
Fax # +86-312-3110105
Contact Person Angela Tong
Address No.118 West Fuxing Road, Baoding City, Hebei, China
Description In power system of 6-66KV, when capacitor current associated with single-phase ground fault excess 10A (It is 30A in 6-10KV cable circuit system), arc-supression coil device should be adopted to prevent severe damages. The device is designed based on eletrical standard of DL/T620-1997 (standard of overvoltage protection and insulation co-ordination of AC electrical equipments)

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