Biomass Gas Generator Set Biogas Genset

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Name Biomass Gas Generator Set Biogas Genset
City China
Type Electronics & Electrical Products
Email [email protected]
Phone # +8659128068329
Mobile # +8659128068329
Fax # +8659128068329
Contact Person Kathy Chen
Address Buliding#1,Yixu Mechanical&Electrical Park,Gaishan Town,Cangshan District,Fuzhou,China
Description Tide Power System Co.,Ltd. is a professional gas & diesel generator set manufacturer since 2006.In the past ten years we have committed ourselves to research and design in eco-friendly power solution which is of rapid demand around the world. As a leading gas generator supplier, we have experience in assemble gensets using different fuel source which includes natural gas, biogas, syngas/biomass gas and also systems that can maximize the use of heat like CHP and CCHP. Welcome your enquiry and visits.

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