Gear,lub Oil Pumping

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Name Gear,lub Oil Pumping
City China
Type Industrial Machinery & Equipments
Email [email protected]
Phone # 08657487212036
Fax # 0865745665182
Contact Person Mary
Address No.35 Changyang Road,Ningbo,China 315033
Description Product Details: Place of Origin :China (Mainland) Brand Name :cummins Model Number :3049543 Detailed Product Description 3049543 Cummins oil pump gear is used for the following Cummins Engines KTA19G7-Cummins engine- 3049543 Cummins oil pump gear is used for the following Cummins Engines KTA19G7-Cummins engine- KTA19G7-Cummins engine- KTA19G7-Cummins engine- KTA19G7-Cummins engine- KTA19M-Cummins engine- KTA19G4(M)-Cummins engine- KTA19G4(M)-Cummins engine-

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