Honeycomb Girder Gantry Crane

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Name Honeycomb Girder Gantry Crane
City China
Type Industrial Machinery & Equipments
Email [email protected]
Phone # +86-371-68000000
Mobile # +86-15290802640
Fax # +86-371-68942180
Contact Person Weijuan Lu
Address No.114, Industrial Road,Shangjie District, Zhengzhou, China
Description Honeycomb girder gantry crane developed by ZZHZ is a new type crane in crane fields. It is unique and near to be perfect. Brief introduction on honeycomb girder gantry crane will be as follows. 1. why the crane is called honeycomb girder gantry crane? the main girder of the crane is honeycomb girder. For honeycomb girder, it means many hexagonal holes which looks like honeycombs in the main girder, with which the air current could pass through the hole when the launcher works high above the ground. Then it greatly reduce wind impact on the gantry crane, so it is quite safe. 2. Its advantages a. Compared with truss girder, safer! Steel plate welded with steel plate(honeycomb girder) is safer than point to point welding(truss girder). If there is an occasional bad welding, the honeycomb girder will not be affected too much, while if it happens on truss girder crane, the whole girder may lose stability and cause an accident. b. Compared with box girder, safer! When box girder crane works high above the ground, the heavy wind will have a great impact on it and make it unsafe. While the honeycomb girder gantry crane has reasonable design(honeycomb hole) to reduce wind impact. Besides, it has a light self weight and cost lower c. Our patent product, has a great potential market and will benefit you too much. 3. Features a. quite safe b. high wind-resistance, high stiffness and low deflection c. light self weight d. flexible legs e. unique and reliable pin connection, easy installation and disassembly f. high quality imported electrical elements are used 4. Limitation At present when weight is less than 200t, a honeycomb girder can be used. Generally speaking, with its own characteristics, the new style honeycomb girder gantry crane from ZZHZ will be the flavor of the market.

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