Mono-crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

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Name Mono-crystalline Silicon Solar Cells
City China
Type Environmental Services
Phone # +66-755-8981 6120
Address huafeng industrial park,hengkeng,guantian village,beihuan road,shiyan town,baoan district,shenzhen,5
Description Mono-crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Solar Cell Characteristics High efficiency and stable performance in photovoltaic conversion. Advanced diffusion technique ensuring the homogeneity of energy conversion efficiency of the cell. Advanced PECVD film forming, providing a dark blue silicon nitride anti-reflection film of homogenous color and attractive appearance. High quality metal paste for back surface and electrode, ensuring good conductivity, high pulling strength and ease of soldering. High precision patterning using screen printing, ensuring accurate busbar location for ease with automatic soldering a laser cutting.

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