Plastic Floor Tile

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Name Plastic Floor Tile
City China
Type Building Materials
Email [email protected]
Phone # 863173813111
Address CHINA
Description 1. Product Introduction Plastic Floor Tile 2. Product Features Plastic floor tile has various colors and a full line of specifications, which is available for customers to make choices according to laid occasions. Its surface has pure PVC wear-resisting layer of PU coating. It has many advantages, such as wear-resisting, environmental protection, moistureproof , slip resistance, insect-resistance, flame retardance, mute, good flexibility, easy cleaning, easy maintenance, etc. 3. Application It is used for all kinds of commerce-residence building, offices, shops, airports, hospitals, schools, supermarkets, factories, libraries, residential, automobile exhibition halls. Some special occasions such as pharmaceutical factory, electronic assembly workshop and hospitals, which have special requirements, there are antistatic and prevent slippery series available. 4. Specification 1) Specification:thickness:1.0mm—4.5mm 12*12*(1.0/1.2/1.3/1.5/2.0) 6*36* (1.5/2.0/3.0/3.5) Size:12″×12″,18″×18″,24″×24″,4″×36″,6″×36″,6″×48″,9''x4'',190mmx950mm,203mmx950mm 2) compressive lines of surface: tabby, dermatoglyph , bump grain, edition rock grain, water ripple, wood grain, highly (anaglyph) embossing. 3) wear-resisting layer thickness: 0.07 mm - 0.70 mm; 4) backface:with glue or without glue. 5. Packing: Carton packaging

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