Potassium Cinnamate

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Name Potassium Cinnamate
City China
Type Health And Medical
Email [email protected]
Phone # 86-027-68886672
Contact Person Cynthia wei
Address NO.496 Zhongshan Road,Wuchang District,Wuhan City,Hubei province, China
Description Potassium cinnamate Product name: Potassium cinnamate CAS Registry Number: 16089-48-8 Assay: 99% Molecular Formula: C9H7KO2 Molecular Weight: 186 Appearence: white or light yellow crystal powder Packaging: 25kg/barrel Usage: Pharmaceuticals intermediates Description: 1. Potassium cinnamate is synthesized by cinnamaldehyde and potassium carbonate with the help of catalyst. It is fully soluble in hot water, 50% soluble in cold water, soluble in 95% ethanol and slightly soluble in absolute alcohol. 2. Potassium cinnamate is one of the synthetic organic intermediates. It widely use in the fields of pharmaceuticals, food, beverage, agriculture, chemical industry and daily chemical etc, and used to be the antiseptic and antioxident in the food and beverage, essence for the cosmetics. 3. Potassium cinnamate is nontoxic and easily soluble in water. It is used as a new tpye of antiseptic and antioxident instead of the traditional usage of Sodium benzoate in the producing process of food and beverage. Its efficacy is 10 times over the sodium benzoate. Additionally, Potassium cinnamate has a function of vasodilatation.

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