Pressure Sensor

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Name Pressure Sensor
City China
Type Electronics & Electrical Products
Phone # +86-(0)29-87552519
Address No.2, Jinye road, Xi'an-710077, P.R.CHINA
Description Principle A pressure sensor is made out a piezoresister Wheatstone bridge. The pressure is applied to the diaphragm and passes through the silicon oil onto the Wheatstone bridge. When the pressure acts directly on the front face of diaphragm, the Wheatstone bridge will create a different voltage. Features 1: Pressure range: 0~0.7MPa…100MPa 2: Gauge, absolute and sealed gauge 3: Constant current power supply 4: Isolated construction, enable to test various media. 5: The product is widely used for pressure measure and control of petroleum, chemi-industry, metallurgy, power station and hydrology, etc.

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