Super Absorbent Polymer (sap)

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Name Super Absorbent Polymer (sap)
City China
Type Dyes & Chemicals
Email [email protected]
Phone # 86-595-86812718
Contact Person Ah-Lin Zheng
Description SAP For Sanitary Napkins,SAP for sanitary towel, SAP for feminine hygiene,SAP for Agriculture,Super Absorbent Polymer,SAP For Diaper, Macromolecul,Bibulous sandbag. Clinical: Sanitary napkin, diaper, mattress, water absorbent paper, drug excipient, etc. Agriculture/Horticulture: Soil water holding, seed coating, soilless culture, etc. Industrial: Water-expandable rubber, water absorbent coating, leak stopper, etc. Food: Dehydration, preservation, thickening, water retention. Health dedicated SAP is one kind of functional polymer materials with particularly strong absorptive capacity. It can absorb moisture several hundred times of its weight. There are still several excellent properties that guarantee the high quality of health supplies, such as fast-speed absorption, high-pressure absorption, gel strength, and good moisture resistance. Super absorbent polymer resin uses advanced production techniques, with low residual monomers, nontoxic, no foul, no stimulus to the skin, can be also completely biodegradable into water, carbon dioxide and other small molecules under certain conditions. It is a green and environment- friendly high-tech product, We possess advanced SAP(super absorbent polymer) processing lines which can produce 20,000 tons per year and gathers sufficient talent specialist who are concentrating on R&D and application of SAP. The BLD-SAP developed by ourselves is a kind of functional polymer material featuring in super strong absorbing capacity. The water absorbed by this material can be multiple times of itself weight. Due to the high absorbing ability and water retained capability, SAP is widely adopted in women’s sanitary and diaper, which can keep the surface dry after absorbing large amount of liquid, even under pressure. Also, BLD-SAP is applicable in culture/horticulture. BLD-SAP can store available rain and irrigating water in a short time, and then release slowly to the plant’s root for a long time, which could improve the irrigation in dry seasons.

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