World Scaffolding Co., Ltd

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Name World Scaffolding Co., Ltd
City China
Type Business Services Provider
Email [email protected]
Phone # 0086-731-88603183
Mobile # 18670017711
Fax # 0086-731-88890157
Contact Person souter
Address No. 9 Xiangfu Rd, Steel Industrial Zone, Changsha, Hunan, China
Description WORLD Scaffolding is a world-class scaffolding products provider. As the most valuable subsidiary of Shinestar Holdings Group,not only manufactures scaffolding and related products, but also be committed to providing integrated solutions.Nowadays,WORLD business scope covers more than 50 countries and regions including North America, South Asia, Europe, Middle East, South Africa, Australia and so on.Covering industries include: petrochemical, oil and natural gas, energy, construction, etc. Our goal is to create a secure global various projects of construction environment, efficient construction progress, and excellent customer experience,through professional engineering and technical support and a unique project management system.

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