Copper Crucibles For Var Furnace Vacuum Arc Remelting Furnace

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Name Copper Crucibles For Var Furnace Vacuum Arc Remelting Furnace
City Faisalabad
Type Metals, Minerals & Mining
Email [email protected]
Phone # +86 379 64391187
Contact Person Michael Chen
Address Taiyuan Road 38
Description VAR is used most frequently in high value applications. Because it is both time consuming and expensive, a majority of commercial alloys do not employ the process. Nickel, titanium, and specialty steels are materials most often processed with this method. The conventional path for production of Titanium alloys includes single, double or even triple VAR processing.[2] Use of this technique over traditional methods presents several advantages: The solidification rate of molten material can be tightly controlled. This allows a high degree of control over the microstructure as well as the ability to minimize segregation The gases dissolved in liquid metal during melting metals in open furnaces, such as nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen are considered to be detrimental to the majority of steels and alloys. Under vacuum conditions these gases escape from liquid metal to the vacuum chamber. Elements with high vapor pressure such as oxygen, carbon, sulfur, and magnesium (frequently contaminants) are lowered in concentration. Centerline porosity and segregation are eliminated. Copper water cooled crucibles for VAR Copper water cooled crucibles for VAR Copper water cooled crucibles for VAR Copper water cooled crucibles for VAR

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