Cyberknife Treatment Consultancy

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Name Cyberknife Treatment Consultancy
City Faisalabad
Type Health And Medical
Email [email protected]
Phone # 01130653989
Mobile # 01130653989
Fax # 01130653989
Contact Person Kaushal Kumar
Address 5, Pusa Road, Rajinder Nagar New Delhi – 110005
Description The Cyber Knife Treatment Consultancy is run by a group of dynamic Physicians who practice at the Center. The Center has some of the most experienced Doctors and Medical Staff from across the globe. CyberKnife VSI doctors offer guidanceto kindle new hope in patients. The clinic provides various painless non-invasiveradiosurgery for the treatment of cancerous and non-cancerous tumours anywhere in the body. It also provides treatments for functional disorders and vascular lesions. The patients are also provided with free Internet “Virtual” Consultation and Diagnosis with the Institute’s Board of Medical Advisors. The experienced and well-trained specialists at BKL CyberKnife Center provide the patient with a sophisticated, robotic radio-surgery procedure. This type of procedure is computer-controlled and attack tumours and lesions virtuallyfrom any direction with sub-millimetre accuracy. The Cyber Knife VSI is different from a traditional surgery as it uses high doses of focused radiation to abolishtumours and halts the growth of cancer cells.

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