Desiccant Pack

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Name Desiccant Pack
City Faisalabad
Type Packaging & Paper
Email [email protected]
Phone # 008613432097520
Mobile # 008613432097520
Fax # 00862084564800
Contact Person Grace
Address Lindia Chemical, Xingye Rd, #1307 B Building, Nancun Town, Panyu District,Guangzhou
Description TOPDRY container desiccant aggressively absorbing moisture from the closed container, avoid dew point happen, avoid condensation happen, eliminated container rain and cargo sweat so that can protect cargo safe. TOPDRY container desiccant can be used inside shipping container; it can absorb moisture up to 300% of its own weight. What’s more, with 60-90 days long period for control moisture, it can protect your cargo ship to any corner in the world. TOPDRY desiccant is an environmentally-friendly product, and can be disposed of conveniently and safely TOPDRY container desiccant keep your shipping container dry and eliminated container rain. Typical applications include agricultural products, furniture, shoes, fabric material, and metal parts, wood etc. Using TOPDRY desiccant in shipping container is very necessary, because in shipping ocean, the temperature is a big change between day and night, so the moisture can quickly affect the cargo or even destroy many types of cargoes, causing corrosion, mold, rust and corrosion.

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