Rf Label

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Name Rf Label
City Faisalabad
Type Security & Safety
Email [email protected]
Phone # 86-571-28818791
Contact Person lunan
Address Shangcheng Sci & Tech Economic Park, 1418-25 Moganshan Road
Description eas rf label Advantage: 1.Paper thin label 2.Multiple labels 3.Small label 4.High speed application 5.Protect without altering the products image and appearance (concealed protection) 6.Faster through-out at POS due to excellent sensitivity strength eas rf label application 1 clothing label 2 shoe label 3 garment label/tag 4.bottle label 5.packing / package solution 6.alomost all source tagging solutions Hangzhou Century Co.,Ltd( www.century-cn.com ), largest eas rf label manufacturer in the world, are open to be your supplier of eas rf label project. We can give you mush support on eas rf label design and manufacture, with century rich experience on eas rf label manufacture.

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