Webiff Solutions

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Name Webiff Solutions
City Hyderabad
Type Computers & It
Email [email protected]
Phone # 03008950000
Contact Person Furqan Durvesh
Address 06, MashAllah Arcade, Behind SCB Bank, Doctor Lane, Saddar,
Description Webiff Solutions - a leading website designing company, located in Hyderabad, Pakistan was established in 2002. The company was founded with the vision of providing local and international market with expert web development by Furqan Durvesh. Durvesh received his Masters degree in Information Technology and a diploma in Visual Programming and Networking from Agha Taj, an affiliate of the Mehran University Jamshoro. The company’s first major project was a home town portal website, http://apnahyderabad.com. From then on, the company stepped on the ladder of success and since then has established itself as one of the best development houses in this industry. Webiff Solutions is proudly serving its global clients and aspires to increase them. Hundreds of clients have been catered and entertained with effective and creative web designing and web development experience in the offshore world.

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