Employee Background Screening Services In Pakistan.

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Name Employee Background Screening Services In Pakistan.
City Islamabad
Type Business Services Provider
Email [email protected]
Phone # 0512150014
Mobile # 0512150014
Fax # 0512150014
Contact Person Anila Atiq
Address 1st floor,102 office, Azeem Mention, Blue area
Description Dear Sir/Madam, Short Introduction of Company I wanted to introduce you to Corporate Bridge of Risk Management (CBRM) on my company behalf. CBRM (Pvt.) Ltd. is a privately-held company providing leading services of pre and post-employment screening, background screening, due diligence investigation, national and international registrations, Public record documents verification, litigation matters and financial services in different countries. CBRM is a national background & substance abuse screening company located in Pakistan Having headquarter in Islamabad Since 2008. We have operational & efficiently well knitted network across Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Middle East. Our Company is registered with the Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) and FBR. Why Companies Need employment background screening services Employment screening services and employee background checks are vital to maintaining workforce integrity and safety. Employers, more than ever before, need to protect themselves against accidents and crimes committed by their employees. With negligent hiring, lawsuits, training costs, workplace violence and theft on the rise, Pre-employment screening as well as taking the correct Pre-employment screening steps are no longer an option, but rather a necessity for businesses. Pre-employment screening is considered common place in today's world, because employers recognize that the success of their businesses depends upon the quality and character of their employees. For a business to remain viable and successful, it must keep and maintain its most valuable asset which is the employees. The key to prospering the business and guarantee its success is a strong and productive workforce through empowered employees which must also be dependable and trustworthy. True, being productive is not only the answer but with trustworthy workers, safety and security of the business are ensured as well. With this, the question of why business owners needs Background check as part of its recruitment process equates the importance of it in the business by ensuring that what are being hired are upright personnel. After all, one of the fears that business owners face is that they might hire people that may have history of crimes which will eventually commit it again while at work. CBRM proprietary employment background screening practices reduce the risk associated with industrywide hiring decisions. With the implementation of our employment screening services, we give you the insight you need to uncover the unknown facts, quickly and easily. The recent cases of organized crimes have put an alarm in the business world as much as petty crimes committed such as stealing office supplies and other scams structured by their own employees. This scenario alone marks the weight of background check to call business owners attention. They must be prudent enough and that they need to require background check investigation upon hiring employees. Through background checking, Potential recruit are screened and selected. With trustworthy employees, the business could be save from the backfire of hiring bad employees that will incur the future losses of petty and major crimes and bad reputation from scamming employees. Otherwise, a good set of workforce can maintain a productive business that will eventually lead to it success. Conducting background check is easier nowadays. It had become such a normal part of evaluation process for potential employee to take a peek on his/her history. Even though he/she could be the most eligible for the position, once a trace of crime or misconduct are known through the investigation could mean disqualification that will put all his/her impressing credentials to disregard. In any case, it is better to lose a fitted candidate for the job vacancy but with criminal history and tendency than hire him/ her and worry about your business safety and security. Moreover, the popularity of online background check service makes the conduct of background check easier and faster. Such services give access to criminal and public records while offering an in-dept. investigative report gathered from different sources and information of the subject person. Even search engines like Google includes police report archives for background check investigation when browsing as well as lists of background check company sites that proffers the most reliable and quality background check service. Our Services Employment Background Screening & other Various Background Checks which include: 1. Criminal Background Checks 2. Education Verification 3. Pre and Post Employment Checks 4. Address Verification 5. Directorship Checks 6. Reference Checks 7. Driving License Verification Apart from those we also offer: 1. Enhanced Due Diligence Services 2. Business Intelligence Services 3. Verification Services It would be my pleasure to answer any relevant query, contact details are given at the end of this email. Will be very glad to work with you.

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