Clear Freight International

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Name Clear Freight International
City Karachi
Type Transport & Logistics
Email [email protected]
Phone # 0092-213-5293202 upto 07
Mobile # 0092-301-8289708
Fax # 922135877433
Contact Person Nabeel Ahmed
Description Services NVOCC: With the passage of time, the industry grew up enormously, therefore, to gain the competitors advantage the management conducted some brain storming sessions to modify the inter-organizational structure intending to build up a new strategy for better Consumer Relation Management. In year 2000 we decided to develop as a NVOCC under the same management. FREIGHT FORWARDING: We are handling variety of shipping activities across the globe under the corporate header of Clear Freight International, Karachi Pakistan for the last decade using the most advanced equipments. We have a strong chain of counterparts in various parts of the world especially Gulf, Far East, , Europe. Right now we are organizing around 600 different kind of containers yearly utilizing various lines namely APL, MEARSK, HANJIN, and the likes, providing the best solutions for our target customers AFGHAN DEVELOPMENT: Clear Freight International planned its commercial activities convinced by the Afghan economic outlook, which is quite sufficient to justify the perception of opportunities to this specific land. Clear Freight International has handled some general and special kind of project(s) and in-order to develop our portfolio & future growth we are continuously improving and are keen to avail any feasible opportunity. CONSOLIDATION SERVICES: Clear Freight International is performing consolidation activities across the globe quite effectively and efficiently since its start. The vast experiences and changing environments enabled us to improve our portfolio and be an expert in order to provide the best consolidation services to our valuable clients. Despite of all the FCL movements, we are maintaining a separate department to deal with all the matters regarding LCL (Import/Export) including Customer Services, Port Operations and Sales. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: At Clear Freight International, Logistics covers a range of functions, each with its own challenges and skills, they are all interdependent and function like clock-work through the whole supply-chain to deliver results. We manage, coordinate and continuously improve the total supply-chain demands and have developed high-level managerial skills to play a key part in meeting a company's long term strategic objectives

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