
Check Business Detail of Decorez with contact information, address, google map of their location, business city and phone number of Decorez. You can find business terms and products of Decorez including fax number, contact number, email address and website. You can also check more Textiles business types like Decorez in Karachi.

Name Decorez
City Karachi
Type Textiles
Email [email protected]
Phone # (92 21) 34551830, 34555930 ,34554879
Mobile # 0300-2821170
Fax # (92 21) 34558185
Contact Person Muhammad Akram Kaludi
Address 122-A P.E.C.H.S Block 2 Rehmania Masjid Street Tariq Road Karachi
Description Explore a wide selection of Wallpapers at Deco-Rez - a leading importer and wholesaler in Pakistan with a proven track record in the industry, working since 1981. Deco-Rez brings forth a large ambit of Wallpapers for clients in every imaginable colors, finishes and textures. Deco-Rez has been working very hard since demand of wall paper very rare here. We are the first who start import of wall covering officially. Now by Grace of Almighty every common man particularly in the big cities is eager to beautify his home through Wall Paper & believe as essential part of his interior. In result people who attached Wall paper business importers, Dealers & even installer (Pester) are enjoying fruit of it. So, future of Wall paper business so bright in Pakistan. Deco-Rez also maintains stock of Wall Covering, for diverse applications and uses. Sourced from trusted and credible manufacturers all over the world having vast experience in the industry, we work as a Sole Distributor for them in the country. Our all products are broadly appreciated and demanded by clients because of their unique patterns, soothing colors, smooth finish, economical price, easy to install and clean feature. At Deco-Rez, we are backed by a team of skilled and qualified professionals who give their 100% efforts towards offering quality-assured products to clients that suit their specific needs and preferences. Additionally, our warehousing and packaging department gives us the strength to store the ordered gamut in bulk quantity in a safe and systematic manner. We also make sure that all our consignments reach our clients' end within the stipulated time period.

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