Drilling Bit

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Name Drilling Bit
City Karachi
Type Industrial Machinery & Equipments
Email [email protected]
Phone # +86-312-3631122
Mobile # 0086-15930483969
Fax # +86-312-3632588
Contact Person Irina
Address develop zone
Description PDC drill bits: New products with super long life, high efficiency and wide application. 1) Super long life-as 10 times as cemented carbide drill bits under the same condition. 2) High efficiency-Times of lifting the drilling machine could be reduced sharply, and the average time efficiency could be increased more than 2 times. 3) Wide range of application-it could have a penetration of rock formation with f ≤12,especially for the rock formation with f=5-10. 1. PDC drill bits (non-core bits) Application for penetration of gas hole, water-discharging hole, and grout hole under coal mine. Size: dia 48-dia 270mm Concave model, Pillar model, Blade model, Expansion model 2. PDC Drill bits (core bits) Application for core drill of coal system stratum with hardness coefficient f

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