Karachi Pain Management

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Name Karachi Pain Management
City Karachi
Type Health And Medical
Email [email protected]
Phone # 03333511811
Mobile # 03333511811
Contact Person Dr. Navaid Akhtar MD, FFARCS Director/Consultant
Address Patel Hospital, ST-18, Block-4, Gulshan-e-Iqbal,Karachi - 75300, Pakistan
Description Our pain doctors provide pain treatment at our pain clinics located throughout Karachi in: - Patel Hospital - Liaquat National Hospital - National Medical Centre - Al Khaleej Tower Typical diagnosis and pain relief treatment includes: - Back pain - Sciatica - Herniated disc (Or slip disc) - Painful Degenerative Spine Disease - Neck pain - Headache - Failed Back Surgery Pain - Cancer Pain - Lumbar Canal Stenosis - Myofacial Pain Syndrome - Chronic Abdominal Pain - Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS 1 & 2 ) - Trigeminal Neuralgia - Atypical Face Pain - Osteoarthritis (OA) Knee pain - Knee and Shoulder pain - Neuropathic pain (Diabetic or other nerve injury) - Post Herpes zoster / Post stroke pain - Spasticity - Burning Mouth Syndrome - Joint/Muscle Pain - Neuropathic./ Diabetic Pain - Motor Vehicle Accidents - Sports Injury - Work injury - Ribs Pain - Other body pains For more information about our procedures, read our brochure. Our pain specialists are double qualified from USA and Europe with Canadian certification in chronic pain and multiple European fellowships.

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