Kc Interiors

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Name Kc Interiors
City Karachi
Type Construction & Real Estate
Email [email protected]
Phone # 02136646850
Mobile # 03130125253
Fax # 02136674899
Contact Person Mazahir Hussain
Address 16, Hanif Centre, Block-B, North Nazimabad, Karachi
Description KC INTERIORS subsidiary of Kitchen Corner is a well recognized name all our metropolis of Karachi Since 1990`s, Our company has an exclusive and vast resource pool of architects, Town Planners, Engineers, Interior Designer & Italian Kitchen Designer working together under one roof, who are quite confident in handling of all kinds of complicated and tedious job. We work to meet today`s requirements with tomorrow`s growth and innovations in mind because we rely on straight forward construction systems and proven material KC Interiors specialize in interior and exterior renovations, remodeling structures and designs, building additions and ground up new well designed structures. Our American & Italian Kitchen Designs are popular all over Pakistan, We Manufacture bespoke Kitchens according to customer requirement, with Imported Accessories directly from Italy and China. Our Kitchen Designers are qualified from Italy and Ireland, which are ready to help anytime. we have our own subsidies companies in Ireland and UK.

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