Sell Hot Ink Roll

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Name Sell Hot Ink Roll
City Karachi
Type Printing & Publishing
Email [email protected]
Phone # +86 0391 3566139
Contact Person Jason
Address NO.1 Zhuoli Road
Description Jiaozuo Zhuoli Stamping Material Co., Ltd is the largest manufacture of thermal transfer materials in China. Hot Ink Roll is used with coding printer. It is used to print the production date, the expiration date and the batch on the plastic film and paper, etc. The advantages are easy-handling, clear printing, no solvent pollution, many printing times. Now we mainly produce HG, BG, HEG and HED of different specification. The detail: Hole diameter: 12mm other length by your arrangement. Outer diameter: 36mm, 40mm, 48mm other length by your arrangement. Roll height:10mm, 16mm, 32mm, 40mm, 48mm, 60mm other length by your arrangement. Color: black, red, white, yellow, and so on.

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