Sys Visas (pvt) Limited

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Name Sys Visas (pvt) Limited
City Karachi
Type Business Services Provider
Email [email protected]
Phone # 923352111210
Contact Person Muhammad Rehan
Address 501, Balad Trade Centre, Near Tooso Restaurant,
Description Sys Visas (Pvt) Limited, Overseas Education & Immigration Consultants, having its Head Office in United Kingdom, have branches in Nigeria, United Arab Emirates and Pakistan. Sys Visas (Pvt) Limited, is a registered company. Sys Visas (Pvt) Limited, representing different ranking University / College / Institution from United Kingdom, Australia, United States of America, Malaysia, Turkey etc. We mainly deal in student visa and Immigration. We aim to provide proper solution and guidance to all our clients. Some Universities are offering scholarships to selective students. Sys Visas (Pvt) Limited, doing seminar with Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, in Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi. Official Representative (Mr. Chris Kelly) has visited for one to one session with the students. Sys Visas (Pvt) Limited, has the rights to arrange the session with Mr. Chris Kelly, if student or parents needs to ask any thing about the course and scholarships. Sys Visas (Pvt) Limited, has many universities / colleges / institutions of Australia, Canada, United States of America, China, Malaysia, Cyprus, Turkey, United Kingdom etc. UK Head Office: 26 Betham Road, Greenford, Middlesex, UB6 8RZ, London, United Kingdom. Nigeria Branch Office: Suit # 3, IBB Way, Kano, Nigeria. U.A.E., Branch Office: P.O. Box # 64962, Ayal Naseer Street, Deira, Dubai. Pakistan Branch Office: Suit # 501, Balad Trade Centre, Near Tooso Restaurant, Bahadurabad, Karachi, Pakistan.

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