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City Karachi
Type Gifts Shops & Toys
Email [email protected]
Phone # 02132785295
Mobile # 0340-1803598
Fax # 02132785295
Contact Person Abdul Samad
Address Office # 1215, 12th floor, Caesars Tower, National, Office # 1215, 12th floor, Caesars Tower, Nation
Description is owned and operated by Walldorf Group (Pvt.) Ltd. based in Houston, USA it was incorporated in 2009. It is among a very few first companies to make mobile apps and games for global clients and for Facebook. Since then it has made progress by leaps and bounds. Making games and apps for educational and entertainment purpose, Walldorf Group became the sought after service/product provider. During 2015, Walldorf Group added a feather to their crown by entering the e-commerce arena and incorporating   With the proliferation of social media and online shopping, styles and trends now change faster than ever. Customized designs help customers fine-tune their product to stay one step ahead with new trends. That is where comes into the picture. Since our priority list hits the satisfaction of our customers and delivering the best to them according to their wish and will therefore, has come to work out of its comfort zone, where we create, personalize, and distribute 100+ customizable products to fit every budget. Whether you are looking for a t-shirt for your next event or a customized pen and a notebook to hand out at your next conference, or maybe a customized picture frame and a name engraved wallet for your best employees or maybe giveaways for your corporate clients. We can help you find the 360-degree marketing solutions to meet your needs within your budget with the fastest processing time including quality customizations and HD printing. You name it and we can provide the kind of customization necessary to fit your need.

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