Tsp-30 Man Portable Drilling R

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Name Tsp-30 Man Portable Drilling R
City Karachi
Type Industrial Machinery & Equipments
Email [email protected]
Phone # +86-312-3631122
Mobile # 0086-15930483969
Fax # +86-312-3632588
Contact Person Irina
Address develop zone
Description TSP-30 man portable drill rig is one new kind of portable drill rig with the advantages both from domestic and foreign throughout repeated tests, designed and produced through many tests. It is applicable to be used in farmland, river network, brush area and mountain such place where is not easy to collapse to do seismic prospecting, mine survey and geology investigation etc. drilling work. Its feature includes portable, functional and high efficiency. 9HP Diesel engine or 9HP gasoline engine provides power for drilling rig. Engine adopts stepless speed regulating method. So it is unnecessary to stop or start engine frequently during drilling. Good performance, high efficiency low labor intensity. Drilling rigs meet QHSE requirements. Drilling method: Air hammer drilling/Air drilling, Mud drilling Drilling depth: Air hammer drilling/Air drilling, 15m/50ft, Mud drilling : 30m/100ft Drilling hole diameter: 75mm, 90mm

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