Vozye - Time Management Software

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Name Vozye - Time Management Software
City Karachi
Type Business Services Provider
Email [email protected]
Phone # 02134153123
Address Office # 306, Floor # 3rd, Rim Jhim Center, Block # 6,Gulshan-e-Iqbal
Description Vozye is a product based company composed of a team of skilled people. Our founder Abdul Samad Patel had a passion for building applications from a young age. After graduating, he joined a renowned software development company of Pakistan, to work as their software engineer. He worked in numerous companies throughout his career and noticed the need of a simple and complete time management solution. He noticed that most companies managed their employee’s tasks and attendance with the help of Excel sheets, which not only took a lot of their time, but also had tons of errors. In 2014, he set out to provide a solution and created an application which startups, educational institutions and hospitals could use to manage their time, tasks, expenses and attendance of their employees. This product Vozye was fit for every organization which manages their time manually through Excel sheets or journaling. As soon as, the product launched it became widely popular and Vozye landed 8 contracts from some of the major organizations of Pakistan. Vozye was built to simplify the complicated and to serve this purpose more enhancements were made to the product. As the company grew Abdul Samad hired a team of skilled developers, who made substantial changes to better the product. An iOS app was made, which allowed users to avail all these amazing features on-the-go. The iOS app also had a location based tracking feature which made the tracking of employees possible from anywhere. Our team of developers is working day in and day out to add new features to the product. Stay tuned for more updates on the product and sign up here  http://www.vozye.com/signup/ for a FREE 30 day trial.

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