Z80 Ideas Creative Design

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Name Z80 Ideas Creative Design
City Karachi
Type Advertising & Marketing
Email [email protected]
Phone # +923362343503
Mobile # +923362343503
Fax # ####
Contact Person Syed Zeeshan-Ud-Din
Address A 11 Islamic Arcade, Near Samama Shoping Center Gul-e-Iqbal karachi
Description we are a full-service design and Production firm specializing In first-hand experiences for CONCEPT DESIGNER. Experiences for Concepts Interiors & Others, trade shows and POS. with a creative design team and our own in-house exhibit engineering group, our work includes immersive themed environments, content-rich interpretive exhibits, and dramatic story-driven attractions.We have a proven track record for delivering some of the most innovative and compelling guest experiences in the industry. Interiors, Exhibition stands, News Set Design, Kiosks, Brochure Cards & Others, Logo Designs, Hall & Set Designs, Promotional Displays, Kitchen & Bath Designs. (All above categories provide in 3D design). Initial site visits, Developing the concept. Interior designing and desiging the architectural aspects. Furniture design, lighting design and colour selection. Finalizing and analyzing the design. CONCEPT Interior Architectural Consultation. by Z80 IDEAS creative design. 'Syed Zee' Email: [email protected] Cell: +92336 2343503

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