Zizi Suite

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Name Zizi Suite
City Karachi
Type Hotels, Clubs & Food Parlors
Email [email protected]
Phone # 021-35383913
Mobile # 0300-2420109
Contact Person Shahid Ahmed
Address 13 C Sunset Lane DHA Phase II Ext Karachi, Pakistan
Description ZiZi Suite prides itself as one of the best guest house. ZiZi Suite is very much pleased to introduce itself, in beautiful atmosphere of Karachi. ZiZi Suite is a modern styled guest house, which offers you the best facilities. The only Guest House in Karachi which offers you a non- Smoking Environment. ZiZi Suite is probably the most exclusive guesthouse in Karachi. We provide luxurious accommodation in the most prominent area of Karachi i.e. Defence. Tradition combined with modern comfort is the distinguishing feature of our guest house. ZiZi Suite offers comfortable and luxurious rooms, furnished in modern style and fitted with the best features and facilities, it is at easy access to all major spots i.e. recreational sites as well as airport, offices and shopping centers etc. We are serving the peoples of all around. We offer our services with a team of highly skilled staff who are trained regarding customers handling with positive behavior and satisfactory services.

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