Haq Bricks Company

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Name Haq Bricks Company
City Lahore
Type Building Materials
Email [email protected]
Phone # 03218475871
Mobile # 03216577774
Contact Person Maher Ahsan
Address 32 Km Multan Road Lahore
Description Haq Bricks Company is a well-established and widely recognized Bricks Manufacturing Company of Lahore . They are widely recognized and respected by the professionals related with the field of constructions, Especially Architects, Engineers and Contractors. Maher Abdul Khaliq founded the company more than years ago in 1985. When he established the first brick kiln in area of Jammber Dictic Kasour in order to fulfill the Demand of construction industry in Lahore and around the city . However, the popularity of their bricks broke the geographic boundaries of Lahore and soon they start receiving the orders from all over the Pakistan Today there are 2 brick kilns that belong to Haq Bricks Company, all located in Jambber area. These Kilns are busy round the year in the Production of quality bricks

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