Locally Lahore

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Name Locally Lahore
City Lahore
Type Fun, Entertainment & Hobbies
Phone # 0423123456
Address Lahore
Description Do you want to know that what kind of places around you? What kind of historical places, shopping malls, banks, Islamic centers, hospitals, school, colleges, universities, organizations, gas and petrol stations, cultural centers, book shops, bus stops, franchise and any place around to your current location in Lahore? If you want explore these all kind of things then you can get help from Locally Lahore app. This app is covering all kind of places of Lahore with maps. It’s not covering places only around you also covering complete Lahore city. You can also get all kind of events details from “What’s Happening” section. Through this section you can follow your favorite event in Lahore. For example if you are crazy about Music then you can click on “What’s Happening” option and find what is next musical concert in Lahore? You can use this app through your android and iOS devices. It’s absolutely free informative app for. Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=suave.locallylahore iTunes:: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/locally-lahore/id941014970?mt=8 App provides you thousands POI’s according to following categories: Markets Historical Places Landmarks Entertainment Amusement Parks Religious Islamic Centers Institutes Organizations Gas Stations & Automotives Banks & Financial Institutions Metro & Bus Stations Hotels & Accommodations Health & Medical Care Academics & Educational Institutions Restaurants Sports Cultural Centers Miscellaneous What’s Happening (Lahore Events)

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