
Check Business Detail of Printoscan with contact information, address, google map of their location, business city and phone number of Printoscan. You can find business terms and products of Printoscan including fax number, contact number, email address and website. You can also check more Printing & Publishing business types like Printoscan in Lahore.

Name Printoscan
City Lahore
Type Printing & Publishing
Email [email protected]
Phone # +924237171212
Mobile # +923008431988
Contact Person Muhammad Saqib
Address 251, Rivaz, garden market, Lahore, Pakistan, 251, Rivaz, garden market, Lahore, Pakistan
Description Since in 1989, PrintoScan is principal Pre-Press and Printing Industry apparatus merchant and technical support provider in South Asia, Middle East and Africa. Having thousands of satisfied customers, we have extensive testimony of excellent customer satisfaction portfolio in merchandising, consulting, installation, maintenance, technical support in printing industry. Our decidedly profiled team of hardware and software engineers and technicians is equipped to provide support remotely and onsite. We are the key supplier of newspaper industry in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Middle East, United Kingdom and Africa. We buy and sell New and Used high-end digital offset printers , CTP , CTcP Platesetter, Imagesetters, Printing Press, CTP/CTcP Plates, Chemicals, Films, Inks, and Offset Papers. Our exclusive worldwide collaboration network of dealership for major merchandiser of industry like Image2Output United Kingdom, HighWater CTP United Kingdom, Zilling Meier & Service Germany, StudioRIP United Kingdom, Viprofix USA and of leading vendors like Ajuhitek, Kodak, Fuji, Agfa, Screen, Creo, Heidelberg, ManRoland, Solna, Sulby, Bobst, Rotaprint, Strong, Hydrostar, and Isopreme confer our clientele experience of broad choice, value of money experience and customer satisfaction. Our Head office is positioned in Lahore, Pakistan with branch offices in all major cities as well as Karachi, and Islamabad. Our International office is located in London, United Kingdom. We buy and sell new and high-end digital offset printers and machinery and also provide technology, maintenance and support to our clients. Please visit our facebook page or Youtube Channel for details and more products - See more at:

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