Khawaja Roofers

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Name Khawaja Roofers
City Peshawar
Type Construction & Real Estate
Email [email protected]
Phone # 0321-9048119
Mobile # 0333-9113660
Fax # 0333-5442669
Contact Person Mr.Maqsood Ahmed Sethi
Address Sunehri Masjid Road Peshawar Cantt
Description We are dealing with all type of water proofing which is currently in practice in our country and all over the world. we use all type of water proofing including bituminized and chemical water proofing of all types, we generally believe and recommend bituminized water proofing in Pakistan due to our construction qualities, we are not go for chemical water proofing specially on roof also we use chemicals in water tanks and chemical resistant tanks at where is required and technically feasible and workable.

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