Male Dawakhana

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Name Male Dawakhana
City Rawalpindi
Type Health And Medical
Email [email protected]
Phone # 923229729628
Mobile # 923229729628
Contact Person Dr Usman Raza
Address Iqbal Road
Description Herbal Treatment for all male diseases, specialist in penis enlargement. Male Dawakhana are one of the leading firms engaged in manufacturing and exporting a wide range of herbal sex ointments, medicated penis ointments and skin ointments for various ailments. As health is considered as a prerequisite for achieving the supreme ends of life, Male Dawakhana herbal products forms a total remedial measures in combating various ailments. Motivated by our vision to provide efficient services to the herbal fraternity, we are devoted and progressing towards providing most qualitative and pure formulations. Leveraging on our persistent research and development activities, we have invented special formulations which do not contain any acid or chemical as compared to allopathic drugs.

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