
Check Business Detail of Zealcon with contact information, address, google map of their location, business city and phone number of Zealcon. You can find business terms and products of Zealcon including fax number, contact number, email address and website. You can also check more Hotels, Clubs & Food Parlors business types like Zealcon in Rawalpindi.

Name Zealcon
City Rawalpindi
Type Hotels, Clubs & Food Parlors
Email [email protected]
Phone # (92 51) 2525152
Mobile # 0321-5000393
Contact Person Fahad Lodhi
Address Office #1, First Floor, Al Hafeez Plaza, Opp Lignum Tower, DHA Phase 2, GT Road, Rawalpindi
Description Zealcon takes great pride and pleasure at introducing its uPVC windows and doors to you. Unplasticized polyvinylchloride, or uPVC as commonly called, is the next step into the future. Windows and doors made from uPVC are not only taking over Europe and Middle East by storm but they are also sinking their feet in the Asian market. uPVC's many advantages makes it a leader amongst its contemporaries, namely wood and aluminum. It is not only fire retardant and termite proof but also works to deflect rust and dust. It's modern and sophisticated designs are a treat to the eye, besides being environment friendly and energy efficient. Considering our expanding electricity bills, uPVC windows and doors save upto 30 - 35% electricity consumption due to its 'U' value and since they require absolutely minimum maintenance, the initial investment made on them is recovered within 3 years. Not only that, Zealcon's windows and doors are going to prove as your life-long partner, since their lifespan is infinite.…………………………………………………………………………... Now just a brief introduction about Zealcon. This company was founded in 2002 under the dynamic leadership of a retired brigadier, from the engineer corp, who has handled and offered his services in projects like constructing a hospital in Saudia Arabia, Karakoram highway, National highway N5 etc. Zealcon is proud of the fact that it has grown leaps and bounds since then, initially offering its services in only Sindh but now expanding to Punjab. The reason is we, at Zealcon, work for our esteemed clients' satisfaction and guarantee them the best possible services in the most professional environment. At Zealcon, you imagine - we build.

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