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Name 22556985
City Sargodha
Type Dyes & Chemicals
Email [email protected]
Phone # 8659522556986
Mobile # 8659522556986
Fax # 86-0595-22886985
Contact Person sherry
Address Room 2508,Tower B,Wanda Plaza,Century Avenue,Jinjiang City,Fujia
Description KOBSO is a world leading mold prevention service provider. Relying on an internationally authoritative technical elite team, KOBSO dedicates itself to global innovative services by providing the manufacturers, importers and exporters of footwear, garments, leatherware, furniture, electronics, etc. with factory inspection and evaluation, moisture control follow-up, risk analysis of mold, control of product chains and other comprehensive solutions. All mold prevention products provided by KOBSO are in accordance with the requirements of scheduled substances for major retailers, brands and global importers in the United States and Europe.

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