Crile Industries

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Name Crile Industries
City Sialkot
Type Health And Medical
Email [email protected]
Phone # 0092 303 4694831
Mobile # 0092 303 4694831
Contact Person Husnain Sakhi
Address Murad pur, sialkot
Description Company Profile CRILE INDUSTRIES established in 1992 in Sialkot. Crile Industries provide premium tooling solutions for exceptional value to individuals and businesses in the most efficient, profitable and sustainable way. We offers a complete range of tooling solutions including Surgical, Dental, Manicure, pedicure, veterinary and Tungsten Carbide Instruments worldwide. Our Clientele includes illustrious names from Europe, Middle East and Australia. We have faith on continuously improving customer value through continual improvements in productivity and Quality. Crile Industries has always been at the forefront of new development in production and tooling research and has pioneered several innovations. So R & D Department plays a vital role in our company. So we can proudly say that “Quality IS our character”

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