Denthome Indudtries

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Name Denthome Indudtries
City Sialkot
Type Health And Medical
Email [email protected]
Phone # 03411411144
Mobile # 03411411144
Fax # 03411411144
Contact Person Mr.umar mirza
Address Model Town Ugoki
Description Dear Sir/Madam, Hope you will be fine. Through the courtesy of Internet, we have come to know that you have a big name in DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves as manufacturers & exporters of DENTAL INSTRUMENTS since last 15 years. We have very good repute in our clients and are well known to make high quality products within very competitive prices. We are making all kinds of dental instruments as you can visit our website Please let us know if there is anything of your interest. Thanks and looking forward to hear a very good response from your side. With best regards, Umer…….. Denthome

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