Schools in Diamer

Find Information of all Schools in Diamer with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Diamer on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. primary school , dadu jail ,astore

Govt. primary school , pachora dashkin ,astore

Govt. girls primary school , sher quli ,astore

Mosque , school ahmed abad

Govt. primary school , thing bala ,astore

Govt. boys high school, dirla bala ,astore

Govt. boys high school, ratturattu, astore

Govt. primary school , pusky, goharabad

Ggm , garbong

Govt. boys primary school , shahi mahal thore

Govt. primary school , hagoro baig, g.abad

Govt. boys primary school , khiay thore