Schools in Ghizer

Find Information of all Schools in Ghizer with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Ghizer on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Mosque , school hamuchal

Ggm , gich

Ggovt. primary school, sarayote

Govt. girls primary school , biarchi

Govt. primary school , gulmuti

Govt. primary school , mushku damas

Nf , bado mushko, damas

Govt. primary school , khanabad

Govt. primary school , dass japukey

Nf , damas ,mushka

Govt. girls primary school , hatoon dass

Govt. boys primary school , gahkuch bala

Govt. boys primary school , silpi

Govt. primary school , goharabad

Govt. primary school , grunger

Govt. boys primary school , rashmal

Govt. boys primary school , biarchi

Govt. primary school , khutulki

Govt. primary school , sultan abad

Govt. primary school , hayum