Islamia Govt. Science College

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Name Islamia Govt. Science College
City Karachi
Type Colleges
Phone 4919582
Address Jigar Murrad Abadi Road,M.A.Jinnah road
Description Islamia Science College is located in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. It is one of the largest colleges in Pakistan. This college provides faculties of Science, Law, Commerce and Arts. This college is located just opposite Dawood College of Engineering and Technology. Islamia Science College, Islamia Law College, Islamia Commerce and Arts College are in one Complex which is founded by Quaid-e-Taleem Late Abdul Rehman Muhammad Qureshi. Late Abdul Rehman Muhammad Qureshi was the founder of seventeen schools and colleges which were operational under his own personal administration. Quaid-e-Taleem Mr. A. M. Qureshi introduced in Karachi the Qureshi Night College. Mr. A. M. Qureshi was involved with the Muslim League and he made significant contributions to the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. He stood side by side with Quaid-e-Azam Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, offering of himself and his services without hesitation. Quaid-e-Taleem Mr. A. M. Qureshi held the posts of M.N.A. and M.P.A. among other dignified and worthy positions. Quaid-e-Taleem Mr. A. M. Qureshi also served as the first President of the Karachi Muslim League in 1947. Quaid-e-Taleem Mr. A.M Qureshi died on 22 June, 1989.

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