Schools in Khanewal

Find Information of all Schools in Khanewal with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Khanewal on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. primary school salar wahin kohna,

Govt. primary school salar wahin kohna, p/o

Govt. primary school sajawal heraj,

Govt. masque school saif pur, p/o maan kot,

Govt. primary school sai sahu, abdul hakim

Govt. middle school sai sahu, abdul hakim

Govt. . middle school sahib langra, sarai

Govt. primary school sahib langara, sarai

Govt. high school s tulamba, tulamba

Govt. girls high school s tulamba, tulamba

Govt. high school s sarai sidhu, sarai

Govt. high school s makhdoom pur,

Govt. girls high school s haveli mehr shah,

Govt. girls high school s abdul hakim, abdul

Govt. high school s 135/10-r, jahanian

Govt. high school s 105/15-l vanjari, mian

Govt. girls high school s 105/15-l vanjari, mian

Govt. primary school rukan wala, p/o jodh

Govt. primary school rotla, tulamba

Govt. primary school roshan wala,