Schools in Khyber Agency

Find Information of all Schools in Khyber Agency with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Khyber Agency on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. mosque school landi nari

Govt. mosque school khabar killi dorma kor

Govt. mosque school haji sahar gul killi lov

Govt. mosque school haji raza khan killi shahkass

Govt. mosque school haji khitab shah killi ghundai

Govt. mosque school haji gul zair killi khybe

Govt. mosque school ghalani ali masjid

Govt. mosque school aman ullah klli loi shalman

Govt. mosque school samar bagh

Govt. high school zain tara landi kotal

Govt. high school sama ghari bara

Govt. high school muhamamd khan killi landi

Govt. high school lov shalaman

Govt. high school landi kotal

Govt. high school khargali landi kotal

Govt. high school kamshalman

Govt. high school ghafoor khan killi ladi kotal

Govt. girls primary school sifat mir killi shahgai

Govt. girls primary school zarmali shah killi

Govt. girls primary school yaseen killi