Schools in Kohistan

Find Information of all Schools in Kohistan with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Kohistan on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. primary school doga sazin

Govt. primary school dassu

Govt. primary school dahnat

Govt. primary school karang(kandia)

Govt. primary school domiseer kahdia

Govt. primary school samseer

Govt. primary school toopan kandia

Govt. primary school bar bala

Govt. primary school zariaf dadair

Govt. primary school dadoo boon

Govt. primary school nazir abad (kandia)

Govt. primary school baja jalkot

Govt. primary school gaider no.1

Govt. primary school dargah

Govt. primary school sasak

Ggovt. primary school shah dar

Ggovt. primary school afsar abad

Ggovt. primary school dhannat

Ggovt. primary school dassu colony

Ggovt. primary school dassu village