Schools in Mithi

Find Information of all Schools in Mithi with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Mithi on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. girls primary school mohammad hashim, diplo

Govt. boys primary school bhanano otha, diplo

Govt. girls primary school bhaki, nagarparkar

Govt. boys primary school menghwar para bhakuo, mithi

Govt. girls primary school purkhay ji dhani, mithi

Govt. girls primary school jogla, mithi

Govt. girls primary school doori, mithi

Govt. girls primary school dharar, mithi

Govt. girls primary school bilawal otho, mithi

Govt. girls primary school bhakou neghwar paro, mithi

Govt. girls primary school aqli, mithi

Govt. boys primary school ali mohammadd nohrio, diplo

Govt. boys primary school suleman lund, diplo

Govt. boys primary school sikiladho lanjo, diplo

Govt. boys primary school mohd malook lanjo, diplo

Govt. girls primary school modoor, diplo

Govt. girls primary school mithi otaque, diplo

Govt. girls primary school jagan lund, diplo

Govt. girls primary school meghwar colony kaloi, diplo

Govt. boys primary school mohammad paro khuhi, diplo