Schools in Orakzai Agency

Find Information of all Schools in Orakzai Agency with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Orakzai Agency on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. primary school karbogha

Govt. high school manz ghari

Govt. primary school baza

Govt. primary school biland khel

Govt. primary school balazowai

Govt. girls primary school badan mula khel

Govt. primary school arkho kalley

Govt. primary school gul cheri

Govt. girls primary school zakhtan

Govt. primary school zakhtan

Govt. primary school badama

Govt. primary school kagni

Govt. primary school zanka khel

Govt. girls primary school zanka khel

Govt. primary school baropi

Govt. primary school sara khwa

Govt. primary school chinar ali khel

Govt. primary school gundi taal

Govt. girls middle school gall ali khel

Govt. primary school gaal ali khel