Schools in Skardu

Find Information of all Schools in Skardu with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Skardu on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. primary school , khirzang stak rundu

Govt. boys primary school , hamora

Nf , sosa stak,rundu

Govt. boys primary school , hardas

Govt. boys primary school , harpo pain

Ggovt. primary school, tormik roundu

Govt. primary school , khalajing tormik rundu,

Govt. primary school , angapa rundu, skardu

Nf , surbo tormik

Govt. primary school , thowar pain rundu,

Nf , nonapo

Govt. boys primary school , shanoo stak

Govt. primary school , youlbu

Ggovt. primary school, sarree

Ggovt. primary school, bargardo

Govt. primary school , bainsa, skardu

Govt. boys primary school , bazgang

Govt. boys primary school , kashmal

Govt. primary school , harpoh pain

Govt. boys primary school , skoyo, roundu