Schools in Swabi

Find Information of all Schools in Swabi with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Swabi on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. middle school maneri payan

Govt. middle school amrai bala

Govt. middle school sandowa

Govt. middle school spin kani

Govt. middle school kaloo dher

Govt. middle school sher darra

Govt. middle school guloo dehri

Govt. middle school shewa

Govt. middle school rafiq abad

Govt. middle school panjman

Govt. middle school lyran

Govt. middle school shera ghund

Govt. middle school kot gabai

Govt. middle school nazar banda

Govt. middle school lalo dheri

Govt. middle school mangal chai

Govt. middle school marghuz

Govt. middle school mazghund

Govt. middle school mussa banda

Ggovt. middle school adina