Pakistan Society Of B-tech Engineers (psbte)

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Name Pakistan Society Of B-tech Engineers (psbte)
Detail PAKISTAN SOCIETY OF B-TECH ENGINEERS (PSBTE): The Pakistan Society of B-Tech Engineers (PSBTE) is a non-profit national association for the B-Tech engineers and Associate Engineers. PSBTE was found by a group of engineers and computer scientists in 2006, originally as a private club network for its founding members. Later, with the efforts from its members, PSBTE membership became open to all the members in the B-Tech engineering and Associate Engineering community. Nowadays, the PSBTE members include research center heads, faculty deans, department heads, professors, research scientists/engineers, experienced software development directors and engineers, and university postgraduate and undergraduate students etc., from over the World. OUR EFFORTS: Our first effort is to protest against Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, Pakistan Engineering Council and Government of Pakistan because they are trying to degrade our degree. Second, we also struggle for all DAE Students to provide the fifty percent eligibility in GOVT Universities of Engineering and Technoligies. During the Technical educational period of DAE at least one year apprenticeship program are provided in various companies and organizations. The "PAKISTAN SOCIETY OF B-TECH ENGINEERS" l will be a statutory body, to regulate the technology profession in the country such that it will function as key driving force for achieving rapid and sustainable growth in all national, economic and social fields. The council will as its mission set and maintain realistic and internationally relevant standards of professional competence and ethics for technologists. Its main statutory functions include registration of technologists, consulting technologists, constructors/operators and accreditation of technology programmes run by universities/institutions, ensuring and managing of continuing professional development, will assist the Federal Government as think tank, establishing standards for technology products and services besides safeguarding the interest of its members. The council shall encourage, facilitate and regulate working of professional technology bodies as learned societies for creativity and custodians of technology under the umbrella of the council. PSBTE will interact with the Government, both at the Federal and Provincial level by participating in Commissions, Committees and Advisory Bodies. PSBTE is a fully representative body of the technolgy community in the country. PSBTE will also provide support to the Government in conducting technical enquiries and recommending remedial measures on the subjects referred. the PSBTE will become an influential voice, which speaks for the technology profession as a whole in the country. It will form an effective bridge between Government, industry and education. OUR GOALS: To promote the co-operation between the professionals in various fields of the engineering and to cultivate an environment for the advance and development of the technology. OUR OBJECTIVES: Promoting the interactions between the B-Tech Engineers & Associate Engineers; Advancing the application of engineering techniques from the academics to the industry; Facilitating the exchange of information and ideas among the engineers and scientists freely. OUR MISSION: Requested to "THE CHEIF JUSTICE OF SUPREEME COURT OF PAKISTAN" kindly to take as suo moto action by directing the MOST to manage the registration process for B.Tech Hons / B.Sc Technology graduates as soon as possible under intimation to the honourable court. Any other relief may be granted which your majesty deems fit.
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