Pso Pakistan

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Name Pso Pakistan
Detail Pakistan State Oil (PSO) is a multi-million and worldwide competitive state-owned mega corporation and the leading oil market regulating authority in Pakistan. PSO Pakistan’s Headquarter is in Karachi, Sind Province of Pakistan, it has numerous state divisions in the other cities of Pakistan, with administrative management business network infrastructure well expanded, and built at par with international standards, represents 82% of country’s national energy sources. The PSO is horizontally integrated and is the largest state-owned energy Mega Corporation active in every area of the oil and gas industry, including exploration and production, refining, distribution and marketing, petrochemicals, power generation and trading. The PSO conducts major renewable energy activities, including in bio fuels, hydrogen, solar, nuclear and wind power as well as defense management. The Mega Corporation is the largest entity in the country, with well expanded business presence in abroad. The PSO has a primary listing at the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE), and is a constituent of the KSE-30 Index. The PSO is the third largest entity to be placed in the KSE, ranking behind the Shell Pakistan.
Type Economic Development

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